Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Cold Turkey Has Proved To Be The Most Successful Way To Stop Smoking Oakland

    There are many options to stop smoking Oakland. You could try NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) with patches and gum, or prescription medication, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, or cutting down gradually. Research has, however, proved that the cold turkey method is the most successful. This involves quitting without any aid whatsoever.

    If someone asks you why you smoke, your answer will probably be the same as all smokers. You will say that it is enjoyable. You may genuinely believe this but, biologically, it is not true. Next to heroin, nicotine is the most addictive substance in the world.

    If a smoker does not maintain a supply of it in the bloodstream, he or she becomes anxious, irritable, and tense. As soon as the nicotine is replenished, these symptoms disappear. Once the craving is satiated, the smoker does indeed feel good again, hence the so-called enjoyment factor.

    For many people, the idea of going cold turkey brings to mind suffering, emotional pain, and desperation. The truth is that it's easier to stop this way than any other technique. There is less suffering and a much shorter withdrawal period. Most importantly, it has shown to have the best chance of long-term success.

    If you decide to go cold turkey, the nicotine content in your system will completely disappear in 2 or 3 days. In this period, you will definitely experience withdrawal and cravings. But, the good news is that the cravings diminish in frequency and intensity as each day passes. The key is to conquer one day at a time and be proud of your efforts.

    After the nicotine has left your body, any cravings that occur are purely psychological. This is due to the fact that your brain has been trained to depend on nicotine. NRT can help, but the day will come when this supply of nicotine will have to end. The same happens if you try to gradually cut down. These techniques can put you into a chronic state of withdrawal because your body is still demanding its fix.

    If you choose to stop smoking Oakland with the cold turkey method, stay away from certain trigger situations. These include drinking coffee, socializing with friends who smoke, and going to bars or clubs. Drink plenty of fresh fruit juice and water to help your system eliminate the nicotine. When experiencing a craving, take some deep breaths and remind yourself that it will pass after a few minutes.

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